Thursday, December 8, 2011

What are some jobs that pay cash only? What's the difference between cash and checks?

I live at home with my parents and I am a minor. They don't let me get a job because they will loose some money on income taxes. They say to find jobs that pay cash but, my teacher told me there is no difference because I could work as a dependent and my parents could still claim me. What should I do?|||Your parents are incorrect on this one.

Your working will not have any affect on their income taxes.

Your parents can still claim you as a dependent.

You may have to pay your own taxes on income that your earn. The tax that you pay maybe slightly more because you are a dependent on your parents return, but this will not be much because you probably are not making huge money anyway.

When you parents say find a job that pays cash. They are talking about a job where the money you are paid is not reported to the government. Usually if someone pays in cash then they do not report it to the government and taxes are not withheld. There is no record kept. It's perfectly legal to do this if your just a kid mowing the neighbors yard or babysitting, but the law requires businesses to keep records and report earnings.|||Checks are paper that you have to go to the bank to get cash. Cash is just cash and you dont have to go to the bank.|||Drug-dealers get cash and don't have to pay taxes

1 comment:

  1. Nice information

    some top cash only jobs :-

    1.) Caddie
    Sometimes being a caddie can be a part time summer job for students, but it can easily turn into a career for some people.

    2.) Waiter / Waitress
    You do earn a wage working in a food service role, but it’s usually way below minimum wage.

    3.) Babysitter
    Babysitters have always been a necessity for families around the world.

    4.) Lawn Care
    Lawn care can be an excellent job that pays reasonably well in a part time capacity. It’s all about how motivated you are to gain additional business.

    5.) Tutor
    Being a tutor can be an excellent way to leave work with cash in your pocket. Good tutors are hard to come

    Source :
