Monday, December 12, 2011

Can an employer use tips to cover cash drawer shortages?

My employer has told me that if the cash register ever comes up short when i'm working (whether it be my fault or another employee's) he will use my tips to cover the difference. I am employed in kansas and i know it's illegal to withhold from a paycheck to cover damaged equipment or cash drawer shortages, but is it illegal to use my tips to cover the difference?|||Talk about a lousy manager. I looked at your prior question where you stated that 3 to 4 people are on this register per day. How they can just single you out makes no sense. The proper way to do cash registers is to let only 1 person only on a register and when each starts, it should be counted from the prior which obviously does not happen in your case.

They can argue that the other people in the past have not been short, but that is not a fair argument since everyone at some point may not pay attention or make a mistake.

I don't know if it is legal, but if the drawer is short say $3.00 and 3 people are on the register that day and he is taking from your tips only, then he should only take $1.00 from you and $1.00 from the other 2 to total $3.00. My guess is that the other employees have complained and will not comply, so now you are the fall guy.

So the next time he does this, tell him you will only pay the amount divided by the other employees and stand your ground. Also, I suggest this guy will want to fire you, so better start looking for another job.

good luck

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